A Unit-collection exploration-based adventure game

by NotHack Europa & Friends for the GMTK Jam 2022.

Due to the limited timeframe of the jam, we couldn't add everything we wanted to include in the game. We'll be updating the tutorial, adding new abilities to the slimes, and making the whole experience more intuitive after the jam!


  • Equip slimes from your inventory into your party to take them exploring on a foreign planet.
  • Left-click to advance text, interact with objects, or move around on the map.
  • Roll the dice to gain attack and defense points, as well as movement points to explore.
  •  Summon new slimes at the shrine as long as you have currency (the counter is sadly broken. If you can't summon any more slimes, you will need to collect more currency on the map).
  • Defeat enemies by approaching them on the map and running into them before they can reach your summoning shrine and destroy it.
  • Collect space-ship repair parts (gears) to win the game, lore about the foreign planet (books) to find out more about the place you crashed on, and dice to summon more slimes.
  • After ending the turn, enemies will make their moves. This can take a few seconds. In further updates, their speed will get fixed.

The Story

A space wanderer crashes on a planet littered with ruins of a long-gone civilization. Driven to exhaustion from the inhospitable environment, the Wanderer collapses in front of an ancient shrine. There, they have a chance encounter with a slimy creature that will change their life forever, teaching them the power of friendship and resource management.


Planning: Illumenos, CrazyCowLady, WeeabooOverlord

Sprites: MaroonDrops

UI, Shrine: Pop

Overworld Tiles: Illumenos

Pixel ArtAruudlay (twitter, nsfw)

Programming: Gikerl, Xerses, Illumenos, CrazyCowLady, Martin, Omega

Sound: Mitschiko Fauser

Sound Mastering: D. ray

SoundtrackIll Yama

Writing: WeeabooOverlord, CrazyCowLady

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